I was over at {***.com} and I came across an HIV story that had me at lost for words. I am NOT going to post the link to the story/profile or their pictures. But a young lady "knowingly" had unprotected sex with her HIV postive partner . Read Below:
"A warning. Most will not understand and therefore will probably judge me.
I met my boyfriend at Wendy's (romantic i know) and as soon as i saw him my face got hot, hands clammy and i couldnt seem to look up from the floor. We hit it off obviously, i gave my number. and we were talking before i even got home. We got to know each other quite quickly telling each other things we wouldnt tell a good friend. the reason for that? we wanted to know the other liked us for exactly what we were. It was the second day of us knowing each other that he told me he had Hiv.. i was floored to be honest. but it didnt matter. i knew the risks and thats all they are. risks. im not one judge people by thyr faults or backround or beliefs. i knew i wanted to be with him despite what he had.
I met my boyfriend at Wendy's (romantic i know) and as soon as i saw him my face got hot, hands clammy and i couldnt seem to look up from the floor. We hit it off obviously, i gave my number. and we were talking before i even got home. We got to know each other quite quickly telling each other things we wouldnt tell a good friend. the reason for that? we wanted to know the other liked us for exactly what we were. It was the second day of us knowing each other that he told me he had Hiv.. i was floored to be honest. but it didnt matter. i knew the risks and thats all they are. risks. im not one judge people by thyr faults or backround or beliefs. i knew i wanted to be with him despite what he had.
As you all can tell. at some point i contracted the virus due to us both being drunk.. stupid stupid mistake.
everything happens for a reason. and i dont regret going on a limb for the one i love. we'll be together for close to 2 years now and i have very high hopes for our relationship. everyone says "oh i love him" and i do. he annoys me like god knows what sometimes. but thats just reality. im not saying we'll be together forever no doubts about it. but im saying we have a good chance at it ."
If you fell in love with someone who is HIV postive, would you risk it all?
damn thats crazy smh