When is this going to end? Why do they continue to make fun of this chick? But when Jamal Woolard played Biggie in the movie "Notorious", I rarely heard anyone joke about him? Black people love to complain about not having enough black actors, runway models etc. But when the time does come for an african american to get some shine we still hate and throw shade! Why? Crab in the buckets. I honestly believe that blacks would rather see each other "barefoot and broke" than "successful and happy".
"black men, we are the only race of people that degrade our women in our music"
Steve Harvey made some really good points in this video . But Im not going to put the blame on ONLY black men because they're alot of black women in this world that ALLOW men to treat them in a certain way. Some of these women dont have morals, self-respect, dignity and codes they live by. Some of these women would rather leave a good/successful man to lay up under an ex felon with multiple children. smh
"niggas dedicating overtime to damage my name, and some how im still the hottest m*therfucker in the game" -Drake
I guess 50 cent thought he was going to "end" Rick Ross career? not even officer ricky is still making moves :)